# load data from last lecture

# Formatting Character Strings --------------------------------------------

# Let's read in some census data. The following data are 2012 population 
# estimates of cities/towns in Virginia. It comes from the URL:
# http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/51000lk.html

# I set stringsAsFactors to FALSE because I don't want the character strings 
# treated as factors. The character string associated with each row is unique so
# there's no advantage or reason to store as a factor. 
popVa <- read.csv("PEP_2012_PEPANNRES_with_ann.csv",
##             GEO.id GEO.id2         GEO.display.label rescen42010
## 1 1620000US5100148 5100148   Abingdon town, Virginia        8191
## 2 1620000US5100180 5100180    Accomac town, Virginia         519
## 3 1620000US5100724 5100724    Alberta town, Virginia         298
## 4 1620000US5101000 5101000 Alexandria city, Virginia      139966
## 5 1620000US5101528 5101528  Altavista town, Virginia        3450
## 6 1620000US5101672 5101672    Amherst town, Virginia        2231
##   resbase42010 respop72010 respop72011 respop72012
## 1         8191        8195        8168        8188
## 2          519         519         521         521
## 3          298         298         294         292
## 4       139966      140810      144108      146294
## 5         3450        3454        3475        3478
## 6         2231        2232        2218        2225
##               GEO.id GEO.id2           GEO.display.label rescen42010
## 224 1620000US5186160 5186160 Williamsburg city, Virginia       14068
## 225 1620000US5186720 5186720   Winchester city, Virginia       26203
## 226 1620000US5186784 5186784      Windsor town, Virginia        2626
## 227 1620000US5187072 5187072         Wise town, Virginia        3286
## 228 1620000US5187712 5187712    Woodstock town, Virginia        5097
## 229 1620000US5188000 5188000   Wytheville town, Virginia        8211
##     resbase42010 respop72010 respop72011 respop72012
## 224        14068       14137       14750       15167
## 225        26203       26236       26494       26881
## 226         2626        2628        2624        2630
## 227         3286        3288        3277        3260
## 228         5097        5106        5132        5171
## 229         8211        8203        8195        8196
## 'data.frame':    229 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ GEO.id           : chr  "1620000US5100148" "1620000US5100180" "1620000US5100724" "1620000US5101000" ...
##  $ GEO.id2          : int  5100148 5100180 5100724 5101000 5101528 5101672 5102040 5102072 5103368 5105544 ...
##  $ GEO.display.label: chr  "Abingdon town, Virginia" "Accomac town, Virginia" "Alberta town, Virginia" "Alexandria city, Virginia" ...
##  $ rescen42010      : int  8191 519 298 139966 3450 2231 1754 1733 7225 6222 ...
##  $ resbase42010     : int  8191 519 298 139966 3450 2231 1754 1707 7225 6222 ...
##  $ respop72010      : int  8195 519 298 140810 3454 2232 1753 1712 7229 6225 ...
##  $ respop72011      : int  8168 521 294 144108 3475 2218 1746 1710 7156 6001 ...
##  $ respop72012      : int  8188 521 292 146294 3478 2225 1734 1725 7289 5964 ...
# I loaded this data set to show some examples of how R can manipulate character
# strings. Specifically I want to work with the GEO.display.label and GEO.id 
# columns. Some things we might want to do include removing the comma, the word 
# "Virginia" and the words "town" or "city. We might also like to create an 
# indicator for whether a row refers to a city or town. Finally I may want to 
# extract the last 7 digits from Geo.id since those are the unique ID values. 
# (Of course the GEO.id2 already has the last 7 digits from Geo.id, so we don't
# need to do it, but I'm going to show you how anyway.)

# Let's introduce some basic functions for investigating and manipulating
# character strings.

# nchar() - calculate the number of characters in a string. 

nchar("It's showtime!")
## [1] 14
# Notice that spaces and punctuation are counted

## [1] "1620000US5100148"
## [1] 16
## [1] "Abingdon town, Virginia"
## [1] 23
# nchar is vectorized so it will work on entire vectors:
##   [1] 23 22 22 25 24 22 25 25 22 22 26 25 28 25 25 21 24 26 28 20 22 22 26
##  [24] 26 22 23 22 24 23 26 25 27 21 26 36 30 25 22 23 25 24 27 29 24 26 24
##  [47] 22 28 23 25 24 22 29 31 23 24 24 26 20 23 23 23 21 22 22 28 21 23 23
##  [70] 24 24 23 21 22 21 22 27 24 24 20 23 29 20 26 20 24 27 22 23 27 21 21
##  [93] 23 21 22 23 23 22 27 24 20 22 24 25 22 23 19 27 24 24 19 22 25 21 24
## [116] 24 25 24 28 22 23 24 21 27 20 24 23 22 23 28 21 27 20 25 25 22 23 23
## [139] 29 28 22 25 25 25 27 22 27 22 21 23 23 20 21 22 27 23 25 23 29 25 21
## [162] 25 23 25 25 20 22 27 23 22 24 25 24 23 23 22 26 25 28 26 23 20 24 20
## [185] 25 26 25 25 27 25 28 22 23 28 26 24 21 22 20 22 27 23 25 26 25 24 25
## [208] 22 23 21 21 24 29 27 24 24 21 25 22 25 25 25 26 27 25 22 19 24 25
# NOTE: nchar() does not work on factors.
# (tmp <- factor(c("apple","apple","berry","berry")))
# nchar(tmp)
# Error in nchar(tmp) : 'nchar()' requires a character vector

# need to convert to character
# nchar(as.character(tmp))
# rm(tmp)

# How does nchar() handle NAs? It returns 2:
(x <- c("UVa","UVa",NA, "GT", "GT"))
## [1] "UVa" "UVa" NA    "GT"  "GT"
## [1] 3 3 2 2 2
# Here's one way to skip NAs and only report the number of characters of
# non-missing strings:
## [1] 3 3 2 2

# tolower() and toupper() - convert upper-case characters in a character vector
# to lower-case, or vice versa. Non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged. 

tolower("HEY GUYS")
## [1] "hey guys"
## [1] "OMG!"
# and again these work on vectors
## [1] "AL" "AK" "AZ" "AR" "CA"
## [1] "al" "ak" "az" "ar" "ca"
## [1] "Alabama"    "Alaska"     "Arizona"    "Arkansas"   "California"
# I find tolower() useful when you've read in data with ALLCAP column names and
# you want to convert to lowercase.

dat <- data.frame(ID=1:3, NAME=c("Bill","Ted","John"),AGE=c(23,21,20))
## 1  1 Bill  23
## 2  2  Ted  21
## 3  3 John  20
names(dat) <- tolower(names(dat))
##   id name age
## 1  1 Bill  23
## 2  2  Ted  21
## 3  3 John  20

# trimws() - Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from character strings.

x <- c(" VA    ", "MD ", "   DE ")
## [1] " VA    " "MD "     "   DE "
trimws(x) # default argument: which = "both
## [1] "VA" "MD" "DE"
trimws(x, which = "right")
## [1] " VA"   "MD"    "   DE"
trimws(x, which = "left")
## [1] "VA    " "MD "    "DE "
# Our arrests data has a column called CommuneName. It's currently stored as a Factor.
##  Factor w/ 5285 levels "                  ",..: 265 3466 2666 2537 3570 3485 3570 869 180 1 ...
## [1] AUTCHAMP           NOUBLE             LINDEN            
## [4] LARENTEBER        
## 5285 Levels:                          SAVOIE       ... ZOUSSON
# Let's convert to character. Really no reason to keep as a factor.
arrests$CommuneName <- as.character(arrests$CommuneName)

# But look at all the extra spaces...
## [1] "AUTCHAMP          " "NOUBLE            " "LINDEN            "
## [4] "LARENTEBER        "
# Let's trim it
arrests$CommuneName <- trimws(arrests$CommuneName)
# abbreviate() - Abbreviate strings to at least minlength characters, such that
# they remain unique. By default, minlength = 4

##            GEO.id           GEO.id2 GEO.display.label       rescen42010 
##           "GEO.d"           "GEO.2"           "GEO.."        "rsc42010" 
##      resbase42010       respop72010       respop72011       respop72012 
##        "rsb42010"          "r72010"          "r72011"          "r72012"
# A common use of abbreviate is cleaning up long variable names in a data frame.
orig <- names(popVa) # save
names(popVa) <- abbreviate(names(popVa))
## 'data.frame':    229 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ GEO.d   : chr  "1620000US5100148" "1620000US5100180" "1620000US5100724" "1620000US5101000" ...
##  $ GEO.2   : int  5100148 5100180 5100724 5101000 5101528 5101672 5102040 5102072 5103368 5105544 ...
##  $ GEO..   : chr  "Abingdon town, Virginia" "Accomac town, Virginia" "Alberta town, Virginia" "Alexandria city, Virginia" ...
##  $ rsc42010: int  8191 519 298 139966 3450 2231 1754 1733 7225 6222 ...
##  $ rsb42010: int  8191 519 298 139966 3450 2231 1754 1707 7225 6222 ...
##  $ r72010  : int  8195 519 298 140810 3454 2232 1753 1712 7229 6225 ...
##  $ r72011  : int  8168 521 294 144108 3475 2218 1746 1710 7156 6001 ...
##  $ r72012  : int  8188 521 292 146294 3478 2225 1734 1725 7289 5964 ...
# discard abbreviated names and change back to original names
names(popVa) <- orig

# Warning from the documentation: This is really only suitable for English, and
# does not work correctly with non-ASCII characters.

# paste() and paste0() - Concatenate vectors after converting to character

# paste converts its arguments to character strings, and concatenates them
# (separating them by the string given by the sep argument)

x <- "Irwin"
y <- "Fletcher"
paste(x, y)
## [1] "Irwin Fletcher"
# use the sep argument to specify what, if anything, should be pasted between
# the items. For example, to create "Fletcher, Irwin"
paste(y, x, sep=", ")
## [1] "Fletcher, Irwin"
# There's also paste0() which is basically paste() with sep=""
paste0(x, y)
## [1] "IrwinFletcher"
paste0(21, 12) # also works for numbers, but converts to character
## [1] "2112"
# paste() is vectorized and will work on vectors. Recall the airquality dataset
# that comes with R:
##   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
## 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
## 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
## 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3
## 4    18     313 11.5   62     5   4
## 5    NA      NA 14.3   56     5   5
## 6    28      NA 14.9   66     5   6
# Let's say we want to paste the Month and Day together along with 1973 to form
# a new variable called Date. Here's how we do it:
airquality$Date <- paste(airquality$Month, airquality$Day, "1973", sep="/")
##   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day     Date
## 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1 5/1/1973
## 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2 5/2/1973
## 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3 5/3/1973
## 4    18     313 11.5   62     5   4 5/4/1973
## 5    NA      NA 14.3   56     5   5 5/5/1973
## 6    28      NA 14.9   66     5   6 5/6/1973
# What about pasting elements in a vector into one character string? Below is a
# vector of three strings:
(z <- c("Irwin","M.","Fletcher"))
## [1] "Irwin"    "M."       "Fletcher"
# How can I paste the elements together to form one string? Use the collapse
# argument:
paste(z, collapse = " ")
## [1] "Irwin M. Fletcher"
# strsplit() - Split the Elements of a Character Vector

# strsplit() splits the elements of a character vector x into substrings 
# according to a specified split. The basic syntax is strsplit(x, split) where x
# is a character vector and split is a character vector to use for splitting.

# This is sort of like the opposite of paste() with the collapse="" argument.
Fletch <- paste(z, collapse = " ")
## [1] "Irwin M. Fletcher"
strsplit(Fletch, split = " ")
## [[1]]
## [1] "Irwin"    "M."       "Fletcher"
# Notice strsplit returns a list object and discards the split character. We can
# use unlist() to quickly get a vector:

unlist(strsplit(Fletch, split = " "))
## [1] "Irwin"    "M."       "Fletcher"
# another example:

strsplit("212-555-1212", split="-")
## [[1]]
## [1] "212"  "555"  "1212"
# what about splitting on a period? Be careful!

strsplit(c("fig1.jpg","fig2.jpg","fig3.jpg"), split = ".")
## [[1]]
## [1] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
## [[2]]
## [1] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
## [[3]]
## [1] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
# The split argument takes a regular expression and a "." has a special meaning 
# in regular expressions. We either need to "escape" the period so it is treated
# like a literal string or use the fixed argument. To "escape" something in R,
# use two backslashes:

strsplit(c("fig1.jpg","fig2.jpg","fig3.jpg"), split = "\\.")
## [[1]]
## [1] "fig1" "jpg" 
## [[2]]
## [1] "fig2" "jpg" 
## [[3]]
## [1] "fig3" "jpg"
strsplit(c("fig1.jpg","fig2.jpg","fig3.jpg"), split = ".", fixed = TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] "fig1" "jpg" 
## [[2]]
## [1] "fig2" "jpg" 
## [[3]]
## [1] "fig3" "jpg"
# More on regular expressions in the next class!

# What happens if we split on nothing? Everything is split.
strsplit("abcde", split="")
## [[1]]
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
# Extended example: Distribution of English letters in the screenplay of Airplane!

# Read in screenplay and make all text lower case:
url <- "http://www.awesomefilm.com/script/airplane.txt"
airplane <- tolower(scan(url, what = "character")) # scan reads in one word at a time
##  [1] "airplane!" "open:"     "theme"     "from"      "jaws,"    
##  [6] "plane"     "busts"     "out"       "of"        "clouds"
# Now split the words into letters
airplaneLetters <- strsplit(airplane, split = "") # Large list! One element for each word
## [[1]]
## [1] "a" "i" "r" "p" "l" "a" "n" "e" "!"
## [[2]]
## [1] "o" "p" "e" "n" ":"
## [[3]]
## [1] "t" "h" "e" "m" "e"
# Let's unlist into one big character vector:
airplaneLetters <- unlist(airplaneLetters)
## [1] 44860
# Get the count of letters with the table() function
## airplaneLetters
##    '    -        \n    !    #    $    %    (    )    ,    .    :    ?    _ 
##  434   73  241   30  139    7    1    1  116  114  639 1061  596  178   60 
##    `    <U+0082>    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    a    b    c 
##    2    1   72   38   61   21   22   18   12    4    6   19 3105  567 1070 
##    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    ø    p    q 
## 1289 5076  637 1007 2210 2827  142  755 1842 1045 2752 3372    1  695   26 
##    r    s    t    u    v    w    x    y    z 
## 2595 2251 3728 1304  480  974   56 1021   67
# Let's keep only english letters
keep <- airplaneLetters %in% letters
airplaneLetters <- airplaneLetters[keep]

# Just counts of English letters
## airplaneLetters
##    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o 
## 3105  567 1070 1289 5076  637 1007 2210 2827  142  755 1842 1045 2752 3372 
##    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x    y    z 
##  695   26 2595 2251 3728 1304  480  974   56 1021   67
# Sort and save
(lettDist <- sort(table(airplaneLetters), decreasing = TRUE))
## airplaneLetters
##    e    t    o    a    i    n    r    s    h    l    u    d    c    m    y 
## 5076 3728 3372 3105 2827 2752 2595 2251 2210 1842 1304 1289 1070 1045 1021 
##    g    w    k    p    f    b    v    j    z    x    q 
## 1007  974  755  695  637  567  480  142   67   56   26
# Now present in a data frame
##    letters percent
## 1        e  12.41%
## 2        t   9.12%
## 3        o   8.25%
## 4        a   7.59%
## 5        i   6.91%
## 6        n   6.73%
## 7        r   6.35%
## 8        s    5.5%
## 9        h    5.4%
## 10       l    4.5%
## 11       u   3.19%
## 12       d   3.15%
## 13       c   2.62%
## 14       m   2.56%
## 15       y    2.5%
## 16       g   2.46%
## 17       w   2.38%
## 18       k   1.85%
## 19       p    1.7%
## 20       f   1.56%
## 21       b   1.39%
## 22       v   1.17%
## 23       j   0.35%
## 24       z   0.16%
## 25       x   0.14%
## 26       q   0.06%
# Let's split the contents of the GEO.display.label column by the comma and
# store in temp.
## [1] "Abingdon town, Virginia"   "Accomac town, Virginia"   
## [3] "Alberta town, Virginia"    "Alexandria city, Virginia"
## [5] "Altavista town, Virginia"  "Amherst town, Virginia"
temp <- strsplit(popVa$GEO.display.label,",")
## [[1]]
## [1] "Abingdon town" " Virginia"    
## [[2]]
## [1] "Accomac town" " Virginia"   
## [[3]]
## [1] "Alberta town" " Virginia"
# Notice we split each string by comma into two strings and the splitting
# character, the comma, is discarded.

# Now we can use this object to extract just the city/town names. Again this is
# a list. Let's investigate the structure of the object:
temp[[1]] # the first list element
## [1] "Abingdon town" " Virginia"
temp[[1]][1] # the first element of the vector in the first list element
## [1] "Abingdon town"
# we can use sapply and an anonymous function to go through the list and pull
# out the first vector element from each list element, like so.
popVa$city <- sapply(temp, function(x)x[1]) # apply to each list element
##             GEO.id GEO.id2         GEO.display.label rescen42010
## 1 1620000US5100148 5100148   Abingdon town, Virginia        8191
## 2 1620000US5100180 5100180    Accomac town, Virginia         519
## 3 1620000US5100724 5100724    Alberta town, Virginia         298
## 4 1620000US5101000 5101000 Alexandria city, Virginia      139966
## 5 1620000US5101528 5101528  Altavista town, Virginia        3450
## 6 1620000US5101672 5101672    Amherst town, Virginia        2231
##   resbase42010 respop72010 respop72011 respop72012            city
## 1         8191        8195        8168        8188   Abingdon town
## 2          519         519         521         521    Accomac town
## 3          298         298         294         292    Alberta town
## 4       139966      140810      144108      146294 Alexandria city
## 5         3450        3454        3475        3478  Altavista town
## 6         2231        2232        2218        2225    Amherst town
# sometimes you'll see people do something like this, because `[` is itself a
# function:
# sapply(temp, function(x)`[`(x,1))

# substr() - Extract or replace substrings in a character vector. 

# basic syntax: substr(x, start, stop) where x is a character vector and
# start/stop are integers representing the fist and last elements.
substr("Fletcher", 1, 6)
## [1] "Fletch"
substr("virginia", 4, 6)
## [1] "gin"
substr(c("214-555-1234","434-888-7777"), 5, 12)
## [1] "555-1234" "888-7777"
# Notice substr() works on vectors of integers
## [1] "integer"
# extract the last five digits:
substr(popVa$GEO.id2, 3, 7)
##   [1] "00148" "00180" "00724" "01000" "01528" "01672" "02040" "02072"
##   [9] "03368" "05544" "05912" "06968" "07480" "07784" "07832" "08120"
##  [17] "08152" "08584" "08888" "08984" "09016" "09032" "09208" "09656"
##  [25] "09816" "10040" "10072" "10296" "10744" "11032" "11560" "12808"
##  [33] "12904" "13784" "14952" "14968" "14984" "15000" "15112" "16000"
##  [41] "16480" "16512" "16608" "16880" "16992" "17296" "17376" "17440"
##  [49] "17504" "17536" "17552" "17952" "18400" "18448" "18624" "19600"
##  [57] "19728" "19904" "20160" "20752" "21184" "21344" "21648" "22160"
##  [65] "22560" "23376" "23648" "23680" "23760" "23952" "24752" "25008"
##  [73] "25408" "25808" "26416" "26496" "27200" "27440" "27824" "28544"
##  [81] "29600" "29744" "29920" "29968" "30208" "30496" "31056" "31136"
##  [89] "31376" "31936" "31968" "33232" "33488" "33648" "34064" "34176"
##  [97] "34240" "35000" "35624" "35976" "36008" "36648" "37288" "37336"
## [105] "38280" "38424" "39224" "39528" "40024" "40088" "40232" "40536"
## [113] "41272" "41656" "41832" "42264" "42424" "43176" "44520" "44696"
## [121] "44984" "45512" "47144" "47208" "47528" "47672" "48344" "48488"
## [129] "48952" "48968" "49464" "49784" "50984" "51448" "51512" "52120"
## [137] "52680" "52952" "53864" "53992" "54904" "54984" "55592" "55848"
## [145] "56000" "56096" "56304" "57000" "57688" "58696" "59336" "59384"
## [153] "59496" "60296" "60488" "60680" "61208" "61336" "61560" "61832"
## [161] "61896" "63288" "63768" "63928" "64000" "64272" "64880" "65008"
## [169] "65120" "65392" "66512" "66896" "66928" "67000" "67208" "68000"
## [177] "68496" "69168" "69456" "69792" "69936" "70000" "70096" "70576"
## [185] "70752" "70800" "71776" "73200" "73712" "73904" "75008" "75024"
## [193] "75216" "75344" "75840" "76000" "76256" "76432" "76880" "77520"
## [201] "77568" "77792" "78192" "78736" "79024" "79456" "79472" "80272"
## [209] "81024" "81072" "81280" "81312" "82000" "82320" "82384" "83136"
## [217] "83168" "83248" "83600" "83680" "83808" "84960" "85600" "86160"
## [225] "86720" "86784" "87072" "87712" "88000"
# notice the digits are returned as character strings. We can easily convert
# back to integer:
as.integer(substr(popVa$GEO.id2, 3, 7))
##   [1]   148   180   724  1000  1528  1672  2040  2072  3368  5544  5912
##  [12]  6968  7480  7784  7832  8120  8152  8584  8888  8984  9016  9032
##  [23]  9208  9656  9816 10040 10072 10296 10744 11032 11560 12808 12904
##  [34] 13784 14952 14968 14984 15000 15112 16000 16480 16512 16608 16880
##  [45] 16992 17296 17376 17440 17504 17536 17552 17952 18400 18448 18624
##  [56] 19600 19728 19904 20160 20752 21184 21344 21648 22160 22560 23376
##  [67] 23648 23680 23760 23952 24752 25008 25408 25808 26416 26496 27200
##  [78] 27440 27824 28544 29600 29744 29920 29968 30208 30496 31056 31136
##  [89] 31376 31936 31968 33232 33488 33648 34064 34176 34240 35000 35624
## [100] 35976 36008 36648 37288 37336 38280 38424 39224 39528 40024 40088
## [111] 40232 40536 41272 41656 41832 42264 42424 43176 44520 44696 44984
## [122] 45512 47144 47208 47528 47672 48344 48488 48952 48968 49464 49784
## [133] 50984 51448 51512 52120 52680 52952 53864 53992 54904 54984 55592
## [144] 55848 56000 56096 56304 57000 57688 58696 59336 59384 59496 60296
## [155] 60488 60680 61208 61336 61560 61832 61896 63288 63768 63928 64000
## [166] 64272 64880 65008 65120 65392 66512 66896 66928 67000 67208 68000
## [177] 68496 69168 69456 69792 69936 70000 70096 70576 70752 70800 71776
## [188] 73200 73712 73904 75008 75024 75216 75344 75840 76000 76256 76432
## [199] 76880 77520 77568 77792 78192 78736 79024 79456 79472 80272 81024
## [210] 81072 81280 81312 82000 82320 82384 83136 83168 83248 83600 83680
## [221] 83808 84960 85600 86160 86720 86784 87072 87712 88000
# But notice leading 0s are dropped. Probably better to keep extracted data as 
# character vector in this case since we wouldn't use these numbers for
# calculation.

# We can also use substr() <- to replace substrings:
x <- "Megatron"
substr(x,5,8) <- "zord"
## [1] "Megazord"
# This works but probably easier to use sub() and gsub(). Speaking of which...

# sub() - find and replaces first instance
# gsub() - find and replaces all instances

# The basic syntax is sub/gsub(pattern, replacement, x) where pattern is the 
# pattern of characters to be matched, replacement is the replacement for the
# matched pattern, and x is the character vector where matches are sought.

text <- "I said no no no"
sub("no","yes", text) # first instance
## [1] "I said yes no no"
gsub("no","yes", text) # all instances
## [1] "I said yes yes yes"
# Let's go back to the popVa data and remove "city" and "town" from city column:
popVa$city[1:5] # look at first 5
## [1] "Abingdon town"   "Accomac town"    "Alberta town"    "Alexandria city"
## [5] "Altavista town"
# first remove " city"; find " city" and replace with nothing. gsub() or sub() 
# will work here. I tend to use gsub() by default unless I know I only want to
# replace the first instance of something.
popVa$city <- gsub(" city","",popVa$city)
# then remove " town":
popVa$city <- gsub(" town","",popVa$city)
# And have a look:
## [1] "Abingdon"   "Accomac"    "Alberta"    "Alexandria" "Altavista"
# I should point out the creation of the city column could have been carried out
# with one line using a "regular expression". For example I could have submitted
# the following single line of code to extract the city/town names:

temp <- gsub(" city, Virginia$| town, Virginia$", "", popVa$GEO.display.label)
## [1] "Abingdon"   "Accomac"    "Alberta"    "Alexandria" "Altavista"

# The dollar sign means "find at the end of the string". The pipe means "or". So
# the expression is find " city, Virginia" or " town, Virginia" at the end of 
# the string. Agan, we'll get into regular expressions in the next class. This 
# is a very simple example. Regular Expressions can get quite complicated and 
# indeed there are entire books devoted to regular expressions.

# grep() and grepl() - Pattern Matching and Replacement

# grep and grepl search for text or strings. grep() returns indices of matches 
# while grepl() returns a logical vector. For example, here's how we can find
# the indices of weather$Events that contain the phrase "Fog-Rain":
##  [1]  17  54  64  65  71  83  84 109 128 129 161 194 195 203 213 231 233
## [18] 235 243 244 280 320 321 343 344 348 363
# Note: the argument invert=T will return the opposite: indices that do not
# match the string.

# The argument value=T will extract the vector elements containing the match
grep("Fog-Rain",weather$Events, value=T) 
##  [1] "Fog-Rain-Snow"         "Fog-Rain"             
##  [3] "Fog-Rain-Snow"         "Fog-Rain-Snow"        
##  [5] "Fog-Rain"              "Fog-Rain-Snow"        
##  [7] "Fog-Rain-Snow"         "Fog-Rain"             
##  [9] "Fog-Rain"              "Fog-Rain"             
## [11] "Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm" "Fog-Rain"             
## [13] "Fog-Rain"              "Fog-Rain"             
## [15] "Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm" "Fog-Rain"             
## [17] "Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm" "Fog-Rain"             
## [19] "Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm" "Fog-Rain"             
## [21] "Fog-Rain"              "Fog-Rain"             
## [23] "Fog-Rain"              "Fog-Rain"             
## [25] "Fog-Rain-Snow"         "Fog-Rain-Snow"        
## [27] "Fog-Rain"
# grepl() returns a logical vector. TRUE if a match is found, FALSE otherwise.
# Let's create city/town indicator in popVa data frame:
popVa$city.ind <- ifelse(grepl("city,", popVa$GEO.display.label),1,0)
##          city city.ind
## 1    Abingdon        0
## 2     Accomac        0
## 3     Alberta        0
## 4  Alexandria        1
## 5   Altavista        0
## 6     Amherst        0
## 7  Appalachia        0
## 8  Appomattox        0
## 9     Ashland        0
## 10    Bedford        1
# grep() and grepl() also have an ignore.case argument. When set to TRUE, case
# is ignored so searching for "city" finds "City", "CITY", and "city". 

# grep, grepl, sub and gsub become extremely powerful with regular expressions,
# which we'll explore in the next lecture.

# The stringr package -----------------------------------------------------

# From the stringr vignette (2015-04-29):

# "Strings are not glamorous, high-profile components of R, but they do play a
# big role in many data cleaning and preparations tasks. R provides a solid set
# of string operations, but because they have grown organically over time, they
# can be inconsistent and a little hard to learn. Additionally, they lag behind
# the string operations in other programming languages, so that some things that
# are easy to do in languages like Ruby or Python are rather hard to do in R.
# The stringr package aims to remedy these problems by providing a clean, modern
# interface to common string operations."

# I encourage you to read and work through the stringr vignette.

# Let's look at a few stringr functions. Note the similarity in function names.
# They all begin with "str_"

# install.packages("stringr")

# str_sub() - equivalent to substr() but allows you to use negative numbers to
# count backward and to specify only the end position.

loc <- "Charlottesville, VA, 22901"
str_sub(loc, end = 15) # extract everything through position 15
## [1] "Charlottesville"
str_sub(loc, start = -5) # extract the last 5 characters
## [1] "22901"
str_sub(loc, end = -8) # extract the 8th from last character and everything before it
## [1] "Charlottesville, VA"
# Also, with str_sub() replacement strings not do need to be the same length as
# the string they are replacing unlike substr().

x <- "Megatron"
substr(x,5,8) <- "zooooord"
x # only 4 characters replaced
## [1] "Megazooo"
x <- "Megatron"
str_sub(x, 5, 8) <-  "zooooord"
x # all characters replaced
## [1] "Megazooooord"
# str_length() - equivalent to nchar(), but it preserves NA's (rather than
# giving them length 2)

(x <- c("UVa","UVa",NA, "GT", "GT"))
## [1] "UVa" "UVa" NA    "GT"  "GT"
## [1]  3  3 NA  2  2
# str_detect() - similar to grepl

str_detect(weather$Events, "Fog-Rain")[1:20]
# str_replace() - similar to sub() and gsub().

text <- "I said no no no"
str_replace(text, "no", "yes") # first instance
## [1] "I said yes no no"
str_replace_all(text, "no", "yes") # all instances
## [1] "I said yes yes yes"
# str_split() and str_split_fixed() - similar to strsplit

## [1] "Abingdon town, Virginia"   "Accomac town, Virginia"   
## [3] "Alberta town, Virginia"    "Alexandria city, Virginia"
## [5] "Altavista town, Virginia"  "Amherst town, Virginia"
temp <- str_split(popVa$GEO.display.label,",")
## [[1]]
## [1] "Abingdon town" " Virginia"    
## [[2]]
## [1] "Accomac town" " Virginia"   
## [[3]]
## [1] "Alberta town" " Virginia"
# str_split_fixed() allows you to limit the splits to a certain number. It 
# returns a character matrix instead of a list. Below we only split on the first
# hyphen in weather$Events.
## [1] None None None None None Rain
## 11 Levels: None Fog Fog-Rain Fog-Rain-Snow ... Thunderstorm
temp <- str_split_fixed(weather$Events,"-", 2)
##      [,1]   [,2]       
## [1,] "Rain" ""         
## [2,] "Rain" ""         
## [3,] "Fog"  "Rain-Snow"
## [4,] "None" ""         
## [5,] "None" ""         
## [6,] "None" ""
# str_count() - Count the number of matches in a string

## [1] 4
# How many times does "striker" appear in the screenplay for airplane? First we
# make the airplane object one long character vector.
airplaneV <- paste(airplane, collapse = " ")
## [1] 1
# Now do the count
str_count(airplaneV, "striker")
## [1] 117
# surely vs. shirley
str_count(airplaneV, "surely")
## [1] 2
str_count(airplaneV, "shirley")
## [1] 2
# As you can see the stringr functions have a consistent naming scheme (str_*). 
# When combined with regular expressions they provide a powerful arsenal of 
# character manipulation tools. There are several other stringr functions. Be
# sure to read the documentation to learn more and see some good examples.

# Formatting Dates --------------------------------------------------------

# Recall the weather data has a column called EST, which contains the date of
# the record.
## [1] 1/1/2013 1/2/2013 1/3/2013 1/4/2013 1/5/2013
## 365 Levels: 1/1/2013 1/10/2013 1/11/2013 1/12/2013 1/13/2013 ... 9/9/2013
## [1] "factor"
# It is currently stored as a factor because each date contains slashes, which 
# meant R interpreted the column as character and consequently converted to 
# factor upon import. It would be better to format this column as a date class 
# so we could do things like calculate the elapsed number of days between "snow"
# or plot change in Temperature over time.

# When dealing with dates that contain only month, day and/or year, we can use 
# the as.Date() function. The basic syntax is as.Date(x, format) where x is the 
# object to be converted and format is the display format of the date stated in
# strptime (stir-pee-time) symbols.

# See help(strptime) for a list of symbols. No seriously, go look at it. It may
# seem daunting at first but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it. A
# date such as April 5, 1982 has a strptime format of "%B %d, %Y". %B is full
# month name, %d is day of month as a decimal number, and %Y is a four digit
# year. Let's do a quick example:

# format April 5, 1982 as a date:
x <- "April 5, 1982"
## [1] "April 5, 1982"
## [1] "character"
# Now convert to Date class:
y <- as.Date(x, format="%B %d, %Y")
## [1] "1982-04-05"
## [1] "Date"
# Typically we do this for an entire column in a data frame. Let's convert the 
# EST column in weather. The format is %m/%d/%Y (for example, 1/1/2013)

weather$Date <- as.Date(weather$EST, format="%m/%d/%Y")
## [1] "2013-01-01" "2013-01-02" "2013-01-03" "2013-01-04" "2013-01-05"
## [1] "Date"
unclass(weather$Date[1:5]) #  number of days since 1970-01-01
## [1] 15706 15707 15708 15709 15710
## [1] "double"
# That may seem like a minor conversion, but with a date column formatted as 
# Date we can now easily identify weekdays, months, and quarters. The
# weekdays(), months() and quarters() functions will create character vectors of
# weekdays, months and quarters respectively when applied to a date vector.
##  [1] "Tuesday"   "Wednesday" "Thursday"  "Friday"    "Saturday" 
##  [6] "Sunday"    "Monday"    "Tuesday"   "Wednesday" "Thursday"
## [1] "January"  "January"  "February" "February" "February" "February"
##  [1] "Q1" "Q1" "Q1" "Q1" "Q1" "Q1" "Q2" "Q2" "Q2" "Q2" "Q2"
# It also makes plotting values over time easy:
plot(Max.TemperatureF ~ Date, data=weather, type="l", 
     main="Maximum Daily Temperature in Charlottesville over 2013")

# Once we have data stored as date class, we often want to display dates in a 
# certain format. We can do that with the format() function as follows:
today <- Sys.Date() # Sys.Date() returns today's date according to our computer
## [1] "2016-02-18"
## [1] "Date"
# Use the format() function with strptime codes to format the display of the date:
format(today, "%B %d, %Y")
## [1] "February 18, 2016"
format(today, "%a %b %d")
## [1] "Thu Feb 18"
format(today, "%Y-%b-%d")
## [1] "2016-Feb-18"
format(today, "%m/%d/%y")
## [1] "02/18/16"
format(today, "%A, %B %e, %Y")
## [1] "Thursday, February 18, 2016"
# In each case above the date is displayed in a new format and converted to
# character.

# What if we have day, month and year in separate fields? Let's generate some
# data:
Year <- sample(2010:2014, 20, replace=T)
##  [1] 2010 2014 2011 2011 2013 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012
## [15] 2014 2014 2010 2013 2014 2011
Month <- sample(1:12, 20, replace=T)
##  [1]  3  1  2  2  3 10  8 11  7 10  5  5  3  6  4  5 11  3  7  3
Day <- sample(1:31, 20, replace=T)
##  [1]  9 25  6 18 13  9  2  4 10 25  8  7 28 31 27 29 15  7  4  9
rdates <- data.frame(Year, Month, Day)
##   Year Month Day
## 1 2010     3   9
## 2 2014     1  25
## 3 2011     2   6
## 4 2011     2  18
## 5 2013     3  13
## 6 2013    10   9
# The ISOdate() function allows us to combine those fields into a single date.
# The basic syntax is ISOdate(year, month, day):
with(rdates, ISOdate(Year, Month, Day)) 
##  [1] "2010-03-09 12:00:00 GMT" "2014-01-25 12:00:00 GMT"
##  [3] "2011-02-06 12:00:00 GMT" "2011-02-18 12:00:00 GMT"
##  [5] "2013-03-13 12:00:00 GMT" "2013-10-09 12:00:00 GMT"
##  [7] "2010-08-02 12:00:00 GMT" "2011-11-04 12:00:00 GMT"
##  [9] "2012-07-10 12:00:00 GMT" "2013-10-25 12:00:00 GMT"
## [11] "2012-05-08 12:00:00 GMT" "2012-05-07 12:00:00 GMT"
## [13] "2012-03-28 12:00:00 GMT" NA                       
## [15] "2014-04-27 12:00:00 GMT" "2014-05-29 12:00:00 GMT"
## [17] "2010-11-15 12:00:00 GMT" "2013-03-07 12:00:00 GMT"
## [19] "2014-07-04 12:00:00 GMT" "2011-03-09 12:00:00 GMT"
# Two things to notice here: (1) the dates are displayed in POSIXct format. It's
# basically a date format with hours, minutes and seconds displayed plus a time 
# zone. There's more to POSIX but that will do for now. (2) There's a NA. Why is
# that? Because June 31 is not an actual date. My randomly generated data 
# created a date that doesn't exist! But fortunately ISOdate() caught that.

# If we like we can convert to Date class:
as.Date(with(rdates, ISOdate(Year, Month, Day)))
##  [1] "2010-03-09" "2014-01-25" "2011-02-06" "2011-02-18" "2013-03-13"
##  [6] "2013-10-09" "2010-08-02" "2011-11-04" "2012-07-10" "2013-10-25"
## [11] "2012-05-08" "2012-05-07" "2012-03-28" NA           "2014-04-27"
## [16] "2014-05-29" "2010-11-15" "2013-03-07" "2014-07-04" "2011-03-09"
# With dates formatted in Date class, we can calculate elapsed time:
as.Date("2014-03-01") - as.Date("2013-03-01")
## Time difference of 365 days
# We can also use the difftime() function:
difftime(as.Date("2014-03-01"), as.Date("2013-03-01"))
## Time difference of 365 days
# The difftime() function can display elapsed time in several different units, 
# including "days", "weeks", "hours", "mins" and "secs". Note that "hours",
# "mins" and "secs" only works for POSIX classes.
difftime(as.Date("2014-03-01"), as.Date("2013-03-01"),
## Time difference of 52.14286 weeks
(x <- difftime(as.Date("2014-03-01"), as.Date("2013-03-01"),
## Time difference of 52.14286 weeks
# convert to numeric to get rid of the words:

## [1] 52.14286
# Let's explain POSIX a bit more. There are two classes in R: POSIXct and
# POSIXlt. "POSIXct datetimes are represented as seconds since January 1, 1970
# GMT while POSIXlt datetimes are represented by a list of 9 components plus an 
# optional tzone attribute." (R News, Vol 4/1, June 2004)

x <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
## [1] "2016-02-18 11:31:24 EST"
## [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
y <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
## [1] "2016-02-18 11:31:24 EST"
## [1] "POSIXlt" "POSIXt"
# Use unclass to see the internal "list" structure of a POXIXlt object:
## $sec
## [1] 24.00971
## $min
## [1] 31
## $hour
## [1] 11
## $mday
## [1] 18
## $mon
## [1] 1
## $year
## [1] 116
## $wday
## [1] 4
## $yday
## [1] 48
## $isdst
## [1] 0
## $zone
## [1] "EST"
## $gmtoff
## [1] -18000
## attr(,"tzone")
## [1] ""    "EST" "EDT"
# notice we can extract specific elements using the names:
## [1] 1
## [1] 18
## [1] 24.00971
# see ?DateTimeClasses for a list of elements in POSIXlt. Unless you really need
# POSIXlt, I would go with POSIXct. In fact I recommend formatting dates as
# simply as possible. If you just have months and days, use as.Date.

# Back to difftime(). We can use it with a POSIX formatted date to easily
# calculate elapsed time in hours, minutes, or seconds.
x <- as.POSIXct("1973-04-05 15:30:00") # born
y <- as.POSIXct("2013-04-05 15:30:00") # turning 40.
difftime(y,x, units = "hours")
## Time difference of 350639 hours
difftime(y,x, units = "mins")
## Time difference of 21038340 mins
difftime(y,x, units = "secs")
## Time difference of 1262300400 secs
# Another handy function to use with dates is diff(). It can quickly tell us the
# elapsed number of days between dates. Let's subset the weather data to have 
# only days with significant precipitation (ie, greater than the trace amount of
# 0.001)
rainyDays <- subset(weather, PrecipitationIn > 0.001, select = Date)
##          Date
## 11 2013-01-11
## 13 2013-01-13
## 14 2013-01-14
## 15 2013-01-15
## 16 2013-01-16
## 17 2013-01-17
# Now use the diff() function on the vector of dates:
## Time differences in days
##   [1]  2  1  1  1  1  1 10  2  1  3  5  2  1  2  6  7  1  6  6  1  4  1  1
##  [24]  1  6  6  4  1  7  3  1  2  1  5  4  1  1  1  5  1  1  1  1  6  1  1
##  [47]  1  3  1 11  3  1  1  1  1  1  2  3  1  1  5  1  2  1  4  1  1  1  1
##  [70]  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  8  1  2  3  1  3  1  5  2  2  1  2  4  1  1  2
##  [93]  1  1  4  1  3  1 11  9 16  2  1  1  1  1  4  5  1  7  2  6  8  1  1
## [116]  1  8  1  9  1  1  1  1  4  8  1  6
# To summarize this information we need to convert it to numeric:
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.000   1.000   1.000   2.772   4.000  16.000
# At one point we went 16 days without precipitation. When did that happen?
f <- which.max(diff(rainyDays$Date))
## [1] 101
rainyDays[f,] # start date
## [1] "2013-09-21"
rainyDays[f+1,] # end date
## [1] "2013-10-07"
# Generating time sequences

# we can use the seq() functiont to generate a sequence of dates. 

# sequence of dates with interval of one day:
seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"), by="days", length=14)
##  [1] "2015-01-01" "2015-01-02" "2015-01-03" "2015-01-04" "2015-01-05"
##  [6] "2015-01-06" "2015-01-07" "2015-01-08" "2015-01-09" "2015-01-10"
## [11] "2015-01-11" "2015-01-12" "2015-01-13" "2015-01-14"
# sequence of dates with interval of two weeks from Jan 1 to Dec 31:
seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"), to=as.Date("2015-12-31"), by="2 weeks")
##  [1] "2015-01-01" "2015-01-15" "2015-01-29" "2015-02-12" "2015-02-26"
##  [6] "2015-03-12" "2015-03-26" "2015-04-09" "2015-04-23" "2015-05-07"
## [11] "2015-05-21" "2015-06-04" "2015-06-18" "2015-07-02" "2015-07-16"
## [16] "2015-07-30" "2015-08-13" "2015-08-27" "2015-09-10" "2015-09-24"
## [21] "2015-10-08" "2015-10-22" "2015-11-05" "2015-11-19" "2015-12-03"
## [26] "2015-12-17" "2015-12-31"
# There is a whole field of statistics involved with time series analysis which 
# demands yet more wrangling of dates and times. One such package that provides 
# help is the zoo package. It's very mature and is well documented. If you're 
# interested in analyzing financial data with R, this is probably one package
# you'll end up using. Another package of note is xts.

# The lubridate package ---------------------------------------------------

# From the package description: "Lubridate has a consistent, memorable syntax, 
# that makes working with dates fun instead of frustrating." Fun? I'll let you 
# be the judge of that. But I will say this package does make working with dates
# much easier.

# install.packages("lubridate")

# Remember the EST column in the weather data and how we had to use strptime
# symbols to specify the format? You don't have to do that with lubridate!
## [1] 1/1/2013 1/2/2013 1/3/2013
## 365 Levels: 1/1/2013 1/10/2013 1/11/2013 1/12/2013 1/13/2013 ... 9/9/2013
# We have month, day, year. So to convert that to a date with lubridate we use
# the mdy() function:
## [1] "2013-01-01 UTC" "2013-01-02 UTC" "2013-01-03 UTC"
# lubridate has many such functions. Just choose the function whose name models
# the order in which the year ('y'), month ('m') and day ('d') elements appear:
# dmy, myd, ymd, ydm, dym, mdy, ymd_hms

# A few more lubridate functions:

# today() - The current date
# now() - The current time
# here() - The current time in your local timezone
## [1] "2016-02-18"
## [1] "2016-02-18 11:31:24 EST"
## [1] "2016-02-18 11:31:24 EST"
# am(), pm() - Does date time occur in the am or pm?
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
# leap_year() - is this a leap year?
## [1] TRUE
# lubridate has a very friendly vignette. You can also read the
# original journal article: "Dates and Times Made Easy with lubridate" by
# Garrett Grolemund, Hadley Wickham. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v40/i03/

# save data for next set of lecture notes
save(list=c("electionData", "weather", "arrests", "allStocks", "popVa", "airplane"), 