# load data from last lecture

# Sometimes we have multiple data frames we want to combine. There are typically
# three ways to do this: (1) stack on top of each other, (2) place side-by-side,
# or (3) merge together based on common variables.

# Stacking ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Let's generate some fake data to illustrate combining data frames by stacking.

first <- data.frame(x0=1:5,
##   x0          x1 x2
## 1  1  0.14520232  M
## 2  2  1.02847778  F
## 3  3  0.22396530  M
## 4  4 -0.09468682  F
## 5  5  0.88844685  F
second <- data.frame(x0=10:14,
##   x0          x1 x2
## 1 10  0.15149694  M
## 2 11  0.87967904  F
## 3 12 -1.35246080  M
## 4 13  0.05058844  F
## 5 14 -0.31314585  F
third <- data.frame(x4=c(3,3,1,3,2),
##   x4 x5
## 1  3  e
## 2  3  g
## 3  1  v
## 4  3  b
## 5  2  z
# We can use the rbind() function to stack data frames. Make sure the number of 
# columns match. Also, the names and classes of values being joined must match.
# Here we stack the first, the second and then the first again:
rbind(first, second, first)
##    x0          x1 x2
## 1   1  0.14520232  M
## 2   2  1.02847778  F
## 3   3  0.22396530  M
## 4   4 -0.09468682  F
## 5   5  0.88844685  F
## 6  10  0.15149694  M
## 7  11  0.87967904  F
## 8  12 -1.35246080  M
## 9  13  0.05058844  F
## 10 14 -0.31314585  F
## 11  1  0.14520232  M
## 12  2  1.02847778  F
## 13  3  0.22396530  M
## 14  4 -0.09468682  F
## 15  5  0.88844685  F
class(rbind(first, second, first)) # still a data frame
## [1] "data.frame"
# works with vectors too:
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
class(rbind(1:3,4:6)) # matrix
## [1] "matrix"
# Remember the allStocks data? This is a list containing 7 data frames of stock
# data for 7 different companies.
## [1] "bbby.csv" "flws.csv" "foxa.csv" "ftd.csv"  "tfm.csv"  "twx.csv" 
## [7] "viab.csv"
# We can use rbind to combine these into one data frame. The thing is we have to
# call rbind repeatedly since there are so many data frames. 
# rbind(allStocks$bbby.csv, allStocks$flws.csv, allStocks$foxa.csv,...)

# A useful function for this type of task in R is the do.call() function. This 
# function allows you to call any R function, but instead of writing out the 
# arguments one by one, you can use a list to hold the arguments of the 
# function. The basic syntax is do.call(what, args), where "what" is a function 
# and "args" are the arguments to pass to the function IN A LIST.

# Since allStocks is a LIST of data frames, and rbind can take data frames as 
# arguments, we can simply pass allStocks to rbind via the do.call function.
allStocks <- do.call(rbind, allStocks)

## 'data.frame':    1621 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ ï..Date: Factor w/ 258 levels "1-Apr-13","1-Aug-13",..: 156 146 138 113 105 91 81 72 48 40 ...
##  $ Open   : num  67.8 67.6 67.7 68.4 67.6 ...
##  $ High   : num  68 67.9 68 68.4 68.1 ...
##  $ Low    : num  67.2 67.3 67 67.3 67.5 ...
##  $ Close  : num  67.2 67.7 67.3 67.5 67.8 ...
##  $ Volume : int  1785164 1571625 1742341 3639114 1328860 2116779 1841733 3135071 2519323 2172587 ...
# Let's go ahead and fix the Date column name:
names(allStocks)[1] <- "Date"

# Let's look at the first few:
##                 Date  Open  High   Low Close  Volume
## bbby.csv.1 26-Mar-14 67.76 68.05 67.18 67.25 1785164
## bbby.csv.2 25-Mar-14 67.61 67.93 67.34 67.73 1571625
## bbby.csv.3 24-Mar-14 67.73 68.00 66.99 67.26 1742341
## bbby.csv.4 21-Mar-14 68.41 68.41 67.29 67.55 3639114
## bbby.csv.5 20-Mar-14 67.58 68.12 67.52 67.82 1328860
## bbby.csv.6 19-Mar-14 68.40 68.61 67.43 67.89 2116779
# We see that R very kindly created row names for us that identifies the source 
# data frame for each row! That's because rbind() has a logical argument called 
# "make.row.names" that defaults to TRUE. We can exploit that information to
# create a variable that indicates which record belongs to which company. In
# other words, we can add a column called "company" that will list "BBBY",
# "FLWS", etc. for their respective rows. We will do this in a later lecture.

# But what if you didn't want that behavior? We could set make.row.names = 
# FALSE. The trick to doing that with do.call is that you need c() to add
# further arguments. So you have to do something like this:
# allStocks <- do.call(rbind, c(allStocks, make.row.names = FALSE))

# Recall that c() combines values into vectors OR lists.

## [1] TRUE
  c(1, 2, list(g=c("m","f"), x=2:4))
## [1] TRUE
apply(iris[,-5], 2, function(x) c(mean(x), sd(x), length(x)))
##      Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## [1,]    5.8433333   3.0573333     3.758000   1.1993333
## [2,]    0.8280661   0.4358663     1.765298   0.7622377
## [3,]  150.0000000 150.0000000   150.000000 150.0000000
# Side-by-side ------------------------------------------------------------

# Use the cbind function to combine data frames side-by-side:
##   x0          x1 x2 x4 x5
## 1  1  0.14520232  M  3  e
## 2  2  1.02847778  F  3  g
## 3  3  0.22396530  M  1  v
## 4  4 -0.09468682  F  3  b
## 5  5  0.88844685  F  2  z
## [1] "data.frame"
# WARNING: cbind does not require matching heights; if one data frame is shorter
# it will recycle it. Notice below the third data frame is recycled.
##    x0          x1 x2 x4 x5
## 1   1  0.14520232  M  3  e
## 2   2  1.02847778  F  3  g
## 3   3  0.22396530  M  1  v
## 4   4 -0.09468682  F  3  b
## 5   5  0.88844685  F  2  z
## 6  10  0.15149694  M  3  e
## 7  11  0.87967904  F  3  g
## 8  12 -1.35246080  M  1  v
## 9  13  0.05058844  F  3  b
## 10 14 -0.31314585  F  2  z
# However, if the number of rows of the shorter data frame does not evenly 
# divide into the number of rows of the taller data frame, then R throws an 
# error.

# cbind(rbind(first,second),third[-1,])
# Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : 
#   arguments imply differing number of rows: 10, 4

# A note about cbind and rbind --------------------------------------------

# Using cbind and rbind on vectors does NOT produce data frames.
x <- 1:3; y <- letters[1:3]

## [1] "matrix"
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE
dat <- data.frame(x,y)

# However if one of the objects you're binding is a data frame, then you do end
# up with a data frame.
dat <- data.frame(x,y)
z <- c("a","a","c")
## [1] TRUE
# Merging -----------------------------------------------------------------

# When we wish to join two data sets together based on common variables, we use 
# the merge() function. For example, let's say we have a data set of crime 
# statistics for all 50 US states, and another data set of demographic 
# statistics for all 50 US states. We may want to merge them together so we have
# one row per state that contains crime and demographic statistics. The common
# variable between the two data sets would be "state".

# The basic syntax for merge() is merge(x, y, by, by.x, by.y), where "x" and "y"
# are the respective data sets, "by" is the column(s) to merge by (assuming the 
# column names match between the two data sets), and "by.x" and "by.y" are also 
# columns to merge by in the event the column names do not match between the two
# data sets. You either use by or by.x and by.y, not all three. From the help 
# file: "By default the data frames are merged on the columns with names they 
# both have, but separate specifications of the columns can be given by by.x and
# by.y." In other words, you don't have to use the by argument if your data
# frames have matching column names that you want to merge on.

# Let's create some more fake data to illustrate:
left <- data.frame(id=c(2:7),
##   id        y2
## 1  2  94.16860
## 2  3  93.52586
## 3  4 103.13921
## 4  5  95.41429
## 5  6  91.98187
## 6  7 100.48942
right <- data.frame(id=rep(1:4,each=2),
                    z2=sample(letters,8, replace=TRUE))
##   id z2
## 1  1  t
## 2  1  o
## 3  2  g
## 4  2  w
## 5  3  s
## 6  3  f
## 7  4  a
## 8  4  r
# Data frames left and right have columns "id" in common. Let's merge them 
# together based on id:
merge(left, right)
##   id        y2 z2
## 1  2  94.16860  g
## 2  2  94.16860  w
## 3  3  93.52586  s
## 4  3  93.52586  f
## 5  4 103.13921  a
## 6  4 103.13921  r
# Notice y2 from the left data frame is recycled to match up with multiple id in
# the right data frame. Also notice only rows with matching ids in both data
# frames are retained. In database terminology this is known as an INNER JOIN.
# Only those records with matching "by" variables are joined.

# If we wanted to merge all rows regardless of match, we use the argument
# all=TRUE. It is FALSE by default. This creates an OUTER JOIN.
merge(left, right, all=TRUE)
##    id        y2   z2
## 1   1        NA    t
## 2   1        NA    o
## 3   2  94.16860    g
## 4   2  94.16860    w
## 5   3  93.52586    s
## 6   3  93.52586    f
## 7   4 103.13921    a
## 8   4 103.13921    r
## 9   5  95.41429 <NA>
## 10  6  91.98187 <NA>
## 11  7 100.48942 <NA>
# If we want to retain everything in the left data frame and merge only what 
# matches in the right data frame, we specify all.x=TRUE. This is known as a
merge(left, right, all.x=TRUE)
##   id        y2   z2
## 1  2  94.16860    g
## 2  2  94.16860    w
## 3  3  93.52586    s
## 4  3  93.52586    f
## 5  4 103.13921    a
## 6  4 103.13921    r
## 7  5  95.41429 <NA>
## 8  6  91.98187 <NA>
## 9  7 100.48942 <NA>
# If we want to retain everything in the right data frame and merge only what 
# matches in the left data frame, we specify all.y=TRUE. This is known as a
merge(left, right, all.y=TRUE)
##   id        y2 z2
## 1  1        NA  t
## 2  1        NA  o
## 3  2  94.16860  g
## 4  2  94.16860  w
## 5  3  93.52586  s
## 6  3  93.52586  f
## 7  4 103.13921  a
## 8  4 103.13921  r
# When merging two data frames that do not have matching column names, we can
# use the by.x and by.y arguments to specify columns to merge on.

# Let's say we want to merge the first and left data frames by x0 and id. The
# by.x and by.y arguments specify which columns to use for merging.
##   x0          x1 x2
## 1  1  0.14520232  M
## 2  2  1.02847778  F
## 3  3  0.22396530  M
## 4  4 -0.09468682  F
## 5  5  0.88844685  F
##   id        y2
## 1  2  94.16860
## 2  3  93.52586
## 3  4 103.13921
## 4  5  95.41429
## 5  6  91.98187
## 6  7 100.48942
merge(first, left, by.x="x0", by.y="id")
##   x0          x1 x2        y2
## 1  2  1.02847778  F  94.16860
## 2  3  0.22396530  M  93.52586
## 3  4 -0.09468682  F 103.13921
## 4  5  0.88844685  F  95.41429
# Notice the merged data frame has an "x0" column, not an "id" column. And this
# of course is an inner join.

# Let's try to merge the second and left by x0 and id:
##   x0          x1 x2
## 1 10  0.15149694  M
## 2 11  0.87967904  F
## 3 12 -1.35246080  M
## 4 13  0.05058844  F
## 5 14 -0.31314585  F
##   id        y2
## 1  2  94.16860
## 2  3  93.52586
## 3  4 103.13921
## 4  5  95.41429
## 5  6  91.98187
## 6  7 100.48942
merge(second, left, by.x="x0", by.y="id") 
## [1] x0 x1 x2 y2
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# There are no matches, so no merging happens. What if we don't specify columns
# to merge on?
merge(second, left)
##    x0          x1 x2 id        y2
## 1  10  0.15149694  M  2  94.16860
## 2  11  0.87967904  F  2  94.16860
## 3  12 -1.35246080  M  2  94.16860
## 4  13  0.05058844  F  2  94.16860
## 5  14 -0.31314585  F  2  94.16860
## 6  10  0.15149694  M  3  93.52586
## 7  11  0.87967904  F  3  93.52586
## 8  12 -1.35246080  M  3  93.52586
## 9  13  0.05058844  F  3  93.52586
## 10 14 -0.31314585  F  3  93.52586
## 11 10  0.15149694  M  4 103.13921
## 12 11  0.87967904  F  4 103.13921
## 13 12 -1.35246080  M  4 103.13921
## 14 13  0.05058844  F  4 103.13921
## 15 14 -0.31314585  F  4 103.13921
## 16 10  0.15149694  M  5  95.41429
## 17 11  0.87967904  F  5  95.41429
## 18 12 -1.35246080  M  5  95.41429
## 19 13  0.05058844  F  5  95.41429
## 20 14 -0.31314585  F  5  95.41429
## 21 10  0.15149694  M  6  91.98187
## 22 11  0.87967904  F  6  91.98187
## 23 12 -1.35246080  M  6  91.98187
## 24 13  0.05058844  F  6  91.98187
## 25 14 -0.31314585  F  6  91.98187
## 26 10  0.15149694  M  7 100.48942
## 27 11  0.87967904  F  7 100.48942
## 28 12 -1.35246080  M  7 100.48942
## 29 13  0.05058844  F  7 100.48942
## 30 14 -0.31314585  F  7 100.48942
# We get a "cartesian product"; every possible combination of rows.

# Dimension of result:
c(nrow(second)*nrow(left), ncol(second) + ncol(left))
## [1] 30  5
# match(), %in%, intersect(), union(), setdiff(), setequal() --------------

# Sometimes we don't actually want to merge data but rather just find out which 
# records they have in common. We can use the match() and intersect() functions
# and the %in% operator. Let's once again create some data to demonstrate:

set.seed(111) # this ensures we get the same random numbers
alot <- round(runif(100,1,1000)) # 100 numbers from interval [1,1000]
##   [1] 593 727 371 515 378 419  12 533 433  95 556 591  68  49 157 447 172
##  [18] 967 311 615 432 286 343 387 968 323 654 284 788 596  60 510 466 470
##  [35] 360 714 117 784 642 805 642 329 636 929 576 367 437 856 628 794 725
##  [52] 585  34 334 997 549 576 457  97 806   2 467 174 260 919 233  54 305
##  [69]  13 301 878 666 454  54 631 443 268 984  96 786 121 881 132 401  88
##  [86] 375 685 735 771 580 512 853 630 579 741 388 994 399 975 825
few <- round(runif(10,1,1000)) # 10 numbers from interval [1,1000]
##  [1] 576 137 940 177 820  13 640 268 570 965
# Are there any values in "few" also in "alot"?

# First let's use match(). The basic syntax of match() is match(x, table) where 
# x is the values to be matched and table is the values to be matched against. 
# This asks the question: "do any values in 'few' match values in 'alot', and if
# so, which indices do they match?"
match(few, alot)
##  [1] 45 NA NA NA NA 69 NA 77 NA NA
# this says the 1st, 6th and 8th values of the "few" vector matches the 45th, 
# 69th and 77th values of the "alot" vector. 

# The %in% operator is perhaps more intutive. It returns a logical vector.
few %in% alot
# This says the 1st, 6th and 8th values of the "few" vector match values of the 
# "alot" vector. Notice it doesn't return the actual number. But we could do
# this:
few[few %in% alot]
## [1] 576  13 268
# Using %in% means we can easily count the number of matches:
sum(few %in% alot)
## [1] 3
# intersect() returns values in the first AND second vector:
## [1] 576  13 268
# union() returns values in the first OR second vector:
union(few, alot)
##   [1] 576 137 940 177 820  13 640 268 570 965 593 727 371 515 378 419  12
##  [18] 533 433  95 556 591  68  49 157 447 172 967 311 615 432 286 343 387
##  [35] 968 323 654 284 788 596  60 510 466 470 360 714 117 784 642 805 329
##  [52] 636 929 367 437 856 628 794 725 585  34 334 997 549 457  97 806   2
##  [69] 467 174 260 919 233  54 305 301 878 666 454 631 443 984  96 786 121
##  [86] 881 132 401  88 375 685 735 771 580 512 853 630 579 741 388 994 399
## [103] 975 825
# setdiff() returns the list of items in the first vector not in the 2nd vector:
setdiff(few, alot)
## [1] 137 940 177 820 640 570 965
# setequal() asks if both vectors are equal and returns TRUE or FALSE:
setequal(few, alot)
## [1] FALSE
# Note from documentation: "Each of union, intersect, setdiff and setequal will
# discard any duplicated values in the arguments"

# Reshaping Data ----------------------------------------------------------

# It's often helpful to think of data as "wide" or "long". When there are 
# multiple occurrences of values for a single observation in one row, the data 
# is said to be wide. When there are multiple occurrences of values for a single
# observation in multiple rows, the data is said to be long.

# Examples:
wide <- data.frame(name=c("Clay","Garrett","Addison"), 
                   test1=c(78, 93, 90), 
                   test2=c(87, 91, 97),
                   test3=c(88, 99, 91))
##      name test1 test2 test3
## 1    Clay    78    87    88
## 2 Garrett    93    91    99
## 3 Addison    90    97    91
long <- data.frame(name=rep(c("Clay","Garrett","Addison"),each=3),
                   test=rep(1:3, 3),
                   score=c(78, 87, 88, 93, 91, 99, 90, 97, 91))
##      name test score
## 1    Clay    1    78
## 2    Clay    2    87
## 3    Clay    3    88
## 4 Garrett    1    93
## 5 Garrett    2    91
## 6 Garrett    3    99
## 7 Addison    1    90
## 8 Addison    2    97
## 9 Addison    3    91
# wide to long

# Many R functions require data in "long" format in order to perform 
# calculations on, or create graphs of, the data. Therefore it's important to
# know how to reshape data from wide to long. A very popular package for this
# task is the reshape2 package. If you don't already have it, please install it:
# install.packages("reshape2)

# The star function of the reshape2 package is melt(). It basically "melts" wide
# data into long format. The basic syntax is melt(data, id.vars, measure.vars), 
# where "data" is your data frame, "id.vars" are the ID variables (ie, variables
# that will still have their own column after reshaping) and "measure.vars" are 
# the variables that are getting "melted". Column headers of the "measure.vars" 
# become a single variable in the melted data frame as does the values under 
# those column headers. This is best explained with an example.

# To make our "wide" data frame long
##      name test1 test2 test3
## 1    Clay    78    87    88
## 2 Garrett    93    91    99
## 3 Addison    90    97    91
melt(wide, id.vars = "name", measure.vars = c("test1","test2","test3"))
##      name variable value
## 1    Clay    test1    78
## 2 Garrett    test1    93
## 3 Addison    test1    90
## 4    Clay    test2    87
## 5 Garrett    test2    91
## 6 Addison    test2    97
## 7    Clay    test3    88
## 8 Garrett    test3    99
## 9 Addison    test3    91
# Notice the "test" column headers in wide are now in a column called 
# "variable", and the values under the "test" columns in wide are now in a 
# single column called "value". We can provide our own names for those columns 
# using the optional "variable.name" and "value.name" arguments, like so:

melt(wide, id.vars = "name", measure.vars = c("test1","test2","test3"),
     variable.name = "test", value.name="score")
##      name  test score
## 1    Clay test1    78
## 2 Garrett test1    93
## 3 Addison test1    90
## 4    Clay test2    87
## 5 Garrett test2    91
## 6 Addison test2    97
## 7    Clay test3    88
## 8 Garrett test3    99
## 9 Addison test3    91
# It should be noted that you can melt a data frame without explicitly using the
# measure.vars argument. If you leave it blank, melt will use all the variables
# not named in the id.vars argument:
melt(wide, "name")
##      name variable value
## 1    Clay    test1    78
## 2 Garrett    test1    93
## 3 Addison    test1    90
## 4    Clay    test2    87
## 5 Garrett    test2    91
## 6 Addison    test2    97
## 7    Clay    test3    88
## 8 Garrett    test3    99
## 9 Addison    test3    91
# As another example, consider the airquality dataset that comes with R.
##   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
## 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
## 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
## 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3
## 4    18     313 11.5   62     5   4
## 5    NA      NA 14.3   56     5   5
## 6    28      NA 14.9   66     5   6
# Notice there are multiple measurements on each day in a single row. Hence we 
# can think of this data as "wide". To make it "long" we require that each 
# measurement have its own row with a column to identify which measurement it
# is. We can do this with melt as follows:
aqLong <- melt(airquality, id.vars=c("Month", "Day"),
               variable.name = "Measurement", value.name="Reading")
##   Month Day Measurement Reading
## 1     5   1       Ozone      41
## 2     5   2       Ozone      36
## 3     5   3       Ozone      12
## 4     5   4       Ozone      18
## 5     5   5       Ozone      NA
## 6     5   6       Ozone      28
# Data in long format makes summaries like this easy.
with(aqLong, tapply(Reading, list(Month, Measurement), mean,na.rm=TRUE))
##      Ozone  Solar.R      Wind     Temp
## 5 23.61538 181.2963 11.622581 65.54839
## 6 29.44444 190.1667 10.266667 79.10000
## 7 59.11538 216.4839  8.941935 83.90323
## 8 59.96154 171.8571  8.793548 83.96774
## 9 31.44828 167.4333 10.180000 76.90000
# There is a reshape() function that comes with base R, but I find melt much 
# easier to use. Here is how to use reshape() to do what we just did with
# melt(). Notice we need to use three extra arguments.
aqLong2 <- reshape(airquality, idvar=c("Month","Day"), times=names(airquality)[1:4],
                   timevar = "Measurement", v.names="Reading",
                   varying = list(names(airquality)[1:4]), direction="long")
##           Month Day Measurement Reading
## 5.1.Ozone     5   1       Ozone      41
## 5.2.Ozone     5   2       Ozone      36
## 5.3.Ozone     5   3       Ozone      12
## 5.4.Ozone     5   4       Ozone      18
## 5.5.Ozone     5   5       Ozone      NA
## 5.6.Ozone     5   6       Ozone      28

# Let's subset and reshape the election data to long format to facilitate a bar 
# graph. 

names(electionData)[1] <- "State"  
edSub <- subset(electionData, select=c("State", "Obama Democratic", "Romney Republican", "Elec Vote D"))
edSub$Winner <- ifelse(is.na(edSub$"Elec Vote D"),"Romney","Obama")
edSub$"Elec Vote D" <- NULL
edSub <- melt(edSub, id.vars = c("State","Winner"), value.name="Votes",
##        State Winner        Candidate   Votes
## 1    Alabama Romney Obama Democratic  795696
## 2     Alaska Romney Obama Democratic  122640
## 3    Arizona Romney Obama Democratic 1025232
## 4   Arkansas Romney Obama Democratic  394409
## 5 California  Obama Obama Democratic 7854285
## 6   Colorado  Obama Obama Democratic 1323102
library(scales) # for the comma function
ggplot(edSub, aes(x=State, y=Votes, group=Candidate, fill=Candidate)) + 
  geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + facet_wrap(~Winner) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("blue","red")) + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +

# long to wide

# The dcast() function can reshape a long data frame to wide. First we'll 
# demonstrate and then explain. 

# Let's reshape our aqLong data frame back to its original wide format.
aqOrig <- dcast(aqLong, Month + Day ~ Measurement, value.var = "Reading")
##   Month Day Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp
## 1     5   1    41     190  7.4   67
## 2     5   2    36     118  8.0   72
## 3     5   3    12     149 12.6   74
## 4     5   4    18     313 11.5   62
## 5     5   5    NA      NA 14.3   56
## 6     5   6    28      NA 14.9   66
# A good way to think of the dcast() function is to imagine it creating a matrix
# from the melted (long) data. The formula specifes the rows and columns where
# the LHS is the "rows" and the RHS is the "columns"; the value.var specifies
# what goes into the interior of the matrix.

# We can also use the dcast function to calculate summaries such as means by 
# supplying an aggregation function as the third argument. For example, we can
# find the mean measurement by month:
dcast(aqLong, Month ~ Measurement, mean, na.rm=TRUE, 
      value.var = "Reading")
##   Month    Ozone  Solar.R      Wind     Temp
## 1     5 23.61538 181.2963 11.622581 65.54839
## 2     6 29.44444 190.1667 10.266667 79.10000
## 3     7 59.11538 216.4839  8.941935 83.90323
## 4     8 59.96154 171.8571  8.793548 83.96774
## 5     9 31.44828 167.4333 10.180000 76.90000
# Notice the result is a data frame

# We can also make our own function to count the number of missing measurements
# by month:
dcast(aqLong, Month ~ Measurement, function(x)sum(is.na(x)), 
      value.var = "Reading")
##   Month Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp
## 1     5     5       4    0    0
## 2     6    21       0    0    0
## 3     7     5       0    0    0
## 4     8     5       3    0    0
## 5     9     1       0    0    0
# See the examples for help(cast) for more complex examples.

# tidyr -------------------------------------------------------------------

# Tidy data is a concept put forth in Hadley Wickham's 2014 paper, Tidy Data 
# (http://www.jstatsoft.org/v59/i10/). To quote the abstract: "Tidy datasets are
# easy to manipulate, model and visualize, and have a specific structure: each
# variable is a column, each observation is a row, and each type of
# observational unit is a table."

# Hadley created a package called tidyr to help tidy R data frames. Among other 
# things it can be used to reshape data. The two main functions are gather() and
# spread().

# install.packages("tidyr")

# gather ------------------------------------------------------------------

# gather is sort of like melt. It can make a wide data set long.

# Documentation description: Gather columns into key-value pairs.

# Syntax: gather(data, key, value, columns to gather) where data is your data 
# frame, key is the name of the new key column, value is the name of the new 
# value column, and the last part is names or numeric indices of columns to
# collapse (or to exclude from collapsing).

# Let's use gather() on the airquality data
aqLong2 <- gather(airquality, key = Measurement, value = Reading, -Month, -Day)

# Notice gather() handles character data differently than melt()!
##  Factor w/ 4 levels "Ozone","Solar.R",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  chr [1:612] "Ozone" "Ozone" "Ozone" "Ozone" "Ozone" ...
# Let's compare the syntax from melt and gather:

# melt(airquality, id.vars=c("Month", "Day"), 
#      variable.name = "Measurement", value.name="Reading")
# gather(airquality, key = Measurement, value = Reading, -Month, -Day)

# The big difference is that in melt you identify the id.vars, the columns that 
# will remain in the long data set after conversion from wide. In the gather 
# function, you indicate which columns are being "gathered", either explicitly
# or by not excluding them.

# We see that the key and value arguments in gather correspond to the 
# variable.name and value.name arguments in melt. We also don't need to quote
# variable names in gather.

# spread ------------------------------------------------------------------

# spread is sort of like dcast. It can make a long data set wide.

# Documentation description: Spread a key-value pair across multiple columns.

# Basic syntax: spread(data, key, value) where data is a data frame, key is name
# of the column with the (unique) values you want turned into column headers,
# and value is the name of the column that has the values you want placed under
# your new column headers.

# Let's use spread() on the aqLong2 data
##   Month Day Measurement Reading
## 1     5   1       Ozone      41
## 2     5   2       Ozone      36
## 3     5   3       Ozone      12
## 4     5   4       Ozone      18
## 5     5   5       Ozone      NA
## 6     5   6       Ozone      28
# I want the unique values of Measurement to become column headers. I want the
# corresponding values in the Reading column to go under the new column headers.

aqOrig2 <- spread(aqLong2, key = Measurement, value = Reading)

# Does this return the same wide data frame as dcast()? Not quite.
## [1] "Month"   "Day"     "Ozone"   "Solar.R" "Wind"    "Temp"
## [1] "Month"   "Day"     "Ozone"   "Solar.R" "Temp"    "Wind"
# The last two columns are swapped because dcast had to deal with Measure as a 
# factor (and it's associated ordering of levels) whereas spread had to deal 
# with Measure as a character vector and thus determined order of columsn
# alphabetically.

# Let's compare the syntax from dcast and spread:

# dcast(aqLong, Month + Day ~ Measurement, value.var = "Reading")
# spread(aqLong2, key = Measurement, value = Reading)

# The big difference is that spread() doesn't require a formula. You just
# indicate the column(s) you want to "spread" out.

# We also see that the value argument in spread() corresponds to the value.var 
# argument in dcast(). And spread() doesn't require quoting variable names.

# Another major difference is that dcast() allows you to supply an aggregation 
# function for generating summary statistics. spread() is just spreading out
# key-value pairs across multiple columns.

# tidyr helper functions --------------------------------------------------

# tidyr includes a few helper functions. One that I really like is
# extract_numeric().

# This uses a regular expression to strip all non-numeric characters from a 
# string and then coerces the result to a number. This strips all non-numeric
# characters from a string and then coerces the result to a number.

## [1] 1200.34
## [1] -2
# Let's generate some dollar amounts
money <- dollar(round(runif(100,100,200),2)) # dollar() function from scales package
##   [1] "$169.29" "$183.60" "$190.39" "$196.45" "$165.77" "$154.89" "$188.50"
##   [8] "$144.84" "$174.33" "$141.43" "$168.08" "$192.60" "$163.36" "$165.90"
##  [15] "$147.86" "$181.88" "$196.39" "$192.37" "$116.44" "$135.15" "$161.71"
##  [22] "$158.02" "$194.18" "$121.01" "$103.88" "$161.59" "$151.46" "$192.00"
##  [29] "$145.54" "$184.70" "$187.06" "$168.30" "$178.14" "$125.13" "$104.65"
##  [36] "$156.33" "$129.37" "$135.10" "$107.92" "$182.53" "$126.42" "$126.38"
##  [43] "$109.04" "$146.08" "$169.16" "$184.90" "$124.61" "$165.09" "$168.02"
##  [50] "$110.45" "$111.20" "$121.57" "$113.01" "$166.63" "$148.78" "$135.33"
##  [57] "$194.70" "$111.19" "$156.39" "$184.83" "$151.18" "$166.65" "$102.65"
##  [64] "$110.65" "$169.54" "$127.33" "$174.50" "$174.54" "$116.67" "$197.99"
##  [71] "$159.48" "$168.82" "$117.19" "$104.17" "$118.98" "$176.14" "$155.95"
##  [78] "$150.55" "$197.28" "$108.06" "$155.72" "$189.60" "$110.79" "$144.93"
##  [85] "$130.88" "$123.29" "$182.81" "$111.29" "$188.40" "$172.56" "$192.03"
##  [92] "$112.30" "$195.11" "$166.97" "$108.51" "$158.12" "$121.25" "$124.22"
##  [99] "$153.63" "$117.71"
## [1] "character"
##   [1] 169.29 183.60 190.39 196.45 165.77 154.89 188.50 144.84 174.33 141.43
##  [11] 168.08 192.60 163.36 165.90 147.86 181.88 196.39 192.37 116.44 135.15
##  [21] 161.71 158.02 194.18 121.01 103.88 161.59 151.46 192.00 145.54 184.70
##  [31] 187.06 168.30 178.14 125.13 104.65 156.33 129.37 135.10 107.92 182.53
##  [41] 126.42 126.38 109.04 146.08 169.16 184.90 124.61 165.09 168.02 110.45
##  [51] 111.20 121.57 113.01 166.63 148.78 135.33 194.70 111.19 156.39 184.83
##  [61] 151.18 166.65 102.65 110.65 169.54 127.33 174.50 174.54 116.67 197.99
##  [71] 159.48 168.82 117.19 104.17 118.98 176.14 155.95 150.55 197.28 108.06
##  [81] 155.72 189.60 110.79 144.93 130.88 123.29 182.81 111.29 188.40 172.56
##  [91] 192.03 112.30 195.11 166.97 108.51 158.12 121.25 124.22 153.63 117.71
## [1] "double"
# The heuristic is not perfect - it won't fail for things that clearly aren't
# numbers
## [1] 1234
# Another helper function that may come in handy is separate().

# Given either regular expression or a vector of character positions, separate()
# turns a single character column into multiple columns. The default separation
# value is a regular expression that matches any sequence of non-alphanumeric
# values.

df <- data.frame(x = c("a.b", "a.d", "b.c"))
##     x
## 1 a.b
## 2 a.d
## 3 b.c
# split column x into two new columns called A and B
separate(df, x, c("A", "B"))
##   A B
## 1 a b
## 2 a d
## 3 b c
# Example: separate() can be useful for splitting times into components.

# Create a place holder data frame
dat <- data.frame(i=1:10, time=character(10), stringsAsFactors = F)

# loop through 10 iterations of logging the system time
for(i in 1:10){
  dat[i,2] <- format(Sys.time(), format = "%H:%M:%OS3") 
  # %OS3 = fractional seconds to 3 places; see ?strptime
  Sys.sleep(0.01) # delay 0.01 seconds
##     i         time
## 1   1 11:35:14.841
## 2   2 11:35:14.852
## 3   3 11:35:14.862
## 4   4 11:35:14.872
## 5   5 11:35:14.882
## 6   6 11:35:14.892
## 7   7 11:35:14.902
## 8   8 11:35:14.912
## 9   9 11:35:14.922
## 10 10 11:35:14.932
separate(dat, time, c("H","M","S","FS"))
##     i  H  M  S  FS
## 1   1 11 35 14 841
## 2   2 11 35 14 852
## 3   3 11 35 14 862
## 4   4 11 35 14 872
## 5   5 11 35 14 882
## 6   6 11 35 14 892
## 7   7 11 35 14 902
## 8   8 11 35 14 912
## 9   9 11 35 14 922
## 10 10 11 35 14 932
# save data for next set of lecture notes
save(list=c("electionData", "weather", "arrests", "allStocks"), file="../data/datasets_L05.Rda")